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Summer School on Development Policy 2016 - University of Bonn, Germany
Tipologia news:
The University of Bonn would like to invite graduate and postgraduate students from University of Trieste to a Summer School on Development Policy in Bonn.
The Summer School addresses graduate and postgraduate students from any field of study. It will take place from August 1 to August 12, 2016. The program is conducted in English.
Please feel free to visit the website of the Summer School on Development Policy: www.developmentpolicy.uni-bonn.de. The website will provide detailed information about the program.
Please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Martina Bachl via email (bachl@uni-bonn.de) or her colleague Ms. Trachsel (m.trachsel@uni-bonn.de) if you have any questions.
Best regards / Mit besten Grüßen
University of Bonn
Department of International Affairs
Ms. Martina Bachl
Unit 6.4 - European and International Networks
Germany - 53115 Bonn
Poppelsdorfer Allee 102
Phone: +49- 228 / 73-60493
Email: bachl@uni-bonn.de
Internet: www.internationales.uni-bonn.de/abt.6.4
Ultimo aggiornamento: 29-03-2016 - 12:45