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EADV: Skin Cancer
Tipologia evento:
EADV Resident courses are for dermatology and venereology residents (both EADV members and non EADV members).
Selected candidates will receive free registration and the educational material which was presented during the course. EADV also offers accommodation, catering and a social event during the course.
EADV members will benefit from an educational grant, to be eligible for the grant annual membership dues must be settled one month prior to the course.
The selection of candidates is made based on CVs, year of residency and the amount of courses previously attended.
The registration deadline will close at 23h59 (GMT+1) the day before the registration deadline (ex: registration deadline 31 January 2000 – the registrations will close on 30 January 2000 at 23h59).
Via S. Nicolò, 25 - 34121 Trieste TS
040 631717
European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
Via S. Balestra 22B
6900 Lugano
Tel. +41 91 973 45 20
Fax. +41 91 973 45 30
Ultimo aggiornamento: 12-07-2018 - 13:14